Our products

What do we focus on?

Small and medium - sized projects

(private investors)

Large projects

(corporate and public contracts)

Our solution for you

We specialize in the implementation of coatings - waterproofing, roof insulation and building structures (especially facades) and solutions for "green" ecological roofs and technical elements. We cooperate with architectural offices in the Czech Republic and Germany, arborists and designers of green areas, ornamental gardens and garden systems on roofs.

We focus not only on the "green" vegetation, biodiverse or cultivated flora, pedestrian, mobile and residential variants of roofs, terraces and shelters, but especially on the use of the technical elements such as:

Orientujeme se nejen na vegetační „zelenou“ biodiverzní či pěstební flóru, pochozí, pojezdné a pobytové varianty střech, teras a přístřešků, ale zejména na využití technických prvků, jako jsou:

• photovoltaics and clean energy,

• solar collectors and water heating,

• rainwater retention tanks,

• wastewater recovery, including green roof irrigation systems,

and all other structures that the customer needs for an effective ecological roof.

We can calculate the profitability, investment returns and ecological impact when applying the project. We always try to be as economical as possible in terms of finances for the end customer and the resources of our planet.

We pay attention to the high efficiency of the basic principles and impacts of the application of green roofs, but we also think about factors such as the supply of light to the building (window systems and light pipes) and mechanical components (plumbing work, ventilation, drainage and gutters, antennas, safety elements and lightning rods).

When we are discussing the aesthetics and design of the entire work with our customers, in details, and as a whole, we also mention the impact on the landscape, minimization of disadvantages, and especially financial and energy losses are not to be forgotten.

Whether you are thinking about a carport, a vegetated roof of your house, or to reduce energy costs during the construction of large production, distribution or office buildings, do not hesitate to contact us.

Benefits of green roofs

Dampens the impact of rainwater - battery

Clean the air

Lowers the ambient temperature

Increases the efficiency of solar panels

Reduces ambient noise outside and inside

Extends the life of the roof

Increases biodiversity

Creates a fire-resistant layer

Increases the value of the property

Ensures a healthy environment